The Listening Project

The Listening Project is a targeted effort to shift the balance of violence in the city by listening to personal stories and enabling the life change of men who may be inclined to be involved in an act of violence on either side.

The Listening Project will provide an outlet and opportunity for men who are hurting (including those who don't even know or acknowledge their pain) to be fully heard. By allowing men the space to be heard, we can begin the process of healing that leads to life change, family healing, and community renewal, one man at a time.

Men will be invited to share their own personal stories, one-on-one, in open-ended, confidential, and anonymous interview sessions. Men will be identified through outreach efforts and referrals. Any man with a story to tell and a willingness to share will be encouraged to participate.

Gregory Tarver, The Listening Project

Gregory Tarver, The Listening Project