Project FOCCUS
(Finding Options for College & Career and Understanding Self)

Project FOCCUS involves designing a curriculum that supports and strengthens Baltimore adolescents through out-of- school professional development learning opportunities, establishing high-quality out-of- school college & career exposure for Baltimore students.

The curriculum will teach youth the cognitive and interpersonal skills needed to transition into the workplace and engage in civic processes that advocate for and advance their communities. The curriculum also will create space for community organizations and local institutions to build a network of support for students from low-income backgrounds. Because each school and community program is different, the ways in which the curriculum is delivered at each school/program will be different, but the framework and objectives are streamlined for uniformity in learning outcomes.

It is time for school leaders, teachers, parents and students to adopt a “do whatever it takes” mentality, to ensure that Baltimore City is a place of thriving industry and opportunity for youth of all backgrounds and that there is adequate training and clear pipelines from school to college and school to the workplace.

Tolu Sosanya, Project FOCCUS

Tolu Sosanya, Project FOCCUS