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The Civic Innovators Program is a partnership with Baltimore City.

Civic Innovators is a collaborative program leveraging businesses to partner to solve specific challenges in Baltimore City. City agencies often have insufficient capacity and resources to take on important projects that could have a dramatic impact on the economy and health of our city. Businesses are uniquely positioned to contribute the technical expertise of their employees to respond to city challenges.

Businesses and cities are natural partners. Partnering with city agencies, pro bono business volunteers apply their technical knowledge on strategic projects leading to innovative solutions to critical issues. Pro bono volunteers partner with city employees on collaborative teams based on their area of expertise for at least 4 hours a week for a 3 month project. 

If you are interested in learning more or joining a future project, Contact the Partnerships Team today!

Cumulative Impact of our Civic Innovator projects

4 Civic Innovator Projects

10 corporate partners with 43 corporate volunteers

5 Baltimore City government agencies with 34 city agency staff members

Provided pro bono support valued at a total of $375,000!

Civic Innovators Project Participants and Impact

Civic Innovators History

The Mayor’s Office, Baltimore Corps and the T. Rowe Price Foundation launched the Civic Innovator program in Baltimore in Fall of 2019. Pro bono volunteers leverage their professional expertise to deliver measurable results for Baltimore City. Over the past thirty years, similar public-private partnerships have delivered measurable results for cities across the U.S, including Chicago, San Francisco, and New York.

To learn more about Civic Innovators, check out this FAQ or contact the Partnerships team at Baltimore Corps