Dan Rodricks

Roughly Speaking: Baltimore's social entrepreneurs

"[Baltimore] is a town that's incredibly resilient, and it's a town that's had a lot of challenges for a long time. Because we've had to endure and tackle those, I think in many ways people have stopped seeing them just as challenges, but also opportunities." - Fagan Harris

Listen to Fagan's complete interview with The Sun's Dan Rodricks in which they discuss social enterprises like CUPs Coffeehouse, the power of Millennials and why Baltimore is "the best place in the world to change the world."

Roughly Speaking: Baltimore's social entrepreneurs

Could Baltimore become "best place in the world to change the world?"

"We are a tough, gritty and resilient city. But it is past the time to measure our city by the toughness of its people and our ability to withstand suffering and pain. Now is the time to measure ourselves by our capacity to change and to become a city, led by a new class of diverse leaders, who refuse to see potential wasted within Baltimore's borders." - Fagan Harris

Dan Rodricks and The Baltimore Sun's year in review: featuring Baltimore Corps, Fagan and why Baltimore is the "best place in the world to change the world."
