Central Baltimore Partnership Receives 2019 Sustainable Growth Award

(May 7, 2019) ANNAPOLIS, MD  - The Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission today presented awards for leadership and community planning at its seventh annual awards ceremony at the Maryland State House in Annapolis. The awards recognize individuals, organizations, and programs that exemplify well-planned economic and community development initiatives throughout the state.

"These awards recognize people and projects from across Maryland that bring the full measure of creativity, innovation, and passion to our communities,” said Governor Larry Hogan. 
“Our administration is proud to honor and celebrate their commitment to helping change Maryland for the better."

The five winners are individuals and organizations that demonstrate their commitment to sustainable growth – development or redevelopment that is compact, walkable, and takes advantage of existing infrastructure while preserving the rural landscape – in Maryland.

“Resourcefulness, innovation, and creativity are all part of what makes Maryland a leader in cultural preservation, community and economic development, and environmental stewardship,” said Robert McCord, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Planning “I congratulate all of the winners for their revitalization efforts that create jobs, economic opportunities, and improve the quality of life in their communities.”

“The commission and I are thrilled to recognize these two leaders and three outstanding projects,” said Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission Chair Susan Summers. “The Maryland Sustainable Growth Awards are the highest level of recognition of leadership and excellence for economic and community development and sustainability in the state.”

Read Full Press Release: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MDMDP/bulletins/2437577

Short videos about each award recipient are available at http://bit.ly/19growthawards.